P.O. BOX 641634
L.A., CA. 90064



EMAIL to reserve art.
"Please Note" that we have a new Mailing Address & Email Address: blacklinefever@yahoo.com

PAYMENT: We Accept Money Orders,Travelers Checks, Cashiers Checks & Personal Checks
We Do Not Accept Credit Cards or PayPal

We Ship USPS Priority Mail and Fed Ex ONLY
We "WILL NOT" Ship any Art via UPS. Don't even ask.

All Artists listed alphabetical by last name. Click on each name to see the pages currently for sale.

This is just a sampling of all the art we have for sale. E-mail us with your want lists and we will try to accomodate you.



*** UPDATES ***

These Artists Pages have been Updated:
Asstd. Covers, Asstd. Covers 2, Asstd. Cover 3, Asstd. Splashes, Murphy Anderson, Simon Bisley, Chaos Art,
JoeChiodo, Dorian Cleavenger, Dick Dillin, Dave Finch, Jose Gonzalez, Calvin Irving, MW Kaluta, Gil Kane,
Igor Kordey, Ted Naifeh, Kevin Nowlan, George Perez, Bill Sienkiewicz, Marc Silvestri, Jim Starlin, Ryan Sook,
Chic Stone, Frank Teran, Bruce Timm, Top Cow, Bill Ward, JH Williams III, Barry Winsor Smith, Skottie Young, Mike Zeck

1 / 25 / 2025












Asstd. Covers
Asstd. Covers 2

Asstd. Covers 3
Asstd. Splashes

Asstd. Paintings

Ed Benes

Simon Bisley

Murphy Anderson

Dan Brereton

John Buscema

John Byrne

Eric Canete

Gene Colan

Joe Chiodo
Dorian Cleavenger
Complete Stories

Mike Deodato

Dick Dillin

Martin Emond

Shane Davis

Dave Finch

Renato Guedes

Frank Frazetta

Leon Frollo

Jose Gonzalez

Adam Hughes

Calvin Irving

Kelley Jones

Michael Kaluta

Gil Kane

Jack Kirby

Igor Kordey
Steve Lightle


John Paul Leon

Rob Liefeld
Esteban Maroto

Ted Naifeh
Kevin Nowlan

Ariel Olivetti

Phil Noto
Yanick Paquette

George Perez

Ivan Reis

Mike Ploog

Ryan Sook

Frank Robbins

John Romita

Liam Sharp

Bill Sienkiewicz

Marc Silvestri

Joe Staton

Jim Starlin

Frank Teran

Chic Stone

Bruce Timm

John Totleben

Billy Tan

Bill Ward

JH Williams III
Kent Williams

Barry Windsor-Smith
Skottie Young

Bernie Wrightson

Mike Zeck

Top Cow Art

Chaos Art
Verotik Art


















click here


Bernie Wrightson - House Of Mystery/Secrets: Covers, Titles Splash pages & Showcase "Nightmaster" pages
Alex Toth - Witching Hour "3 Witches" pages, Golden Age Green Lantern pages and House of Secrets "Eclipso" pages
Jack Kirby - DC 4th World Art, Black Magic & Your Dreams Covers, Strange Tales#135 pages & S.H.I.E.L.D. Splashes
Steve Ditko - Creeper, Hawk & Dove, Blue Beetle, Shade The Changing Man, Winnie the Witch (Ghost Manor/Ghostly Haunts) Covers & Pages
Frazetta - Mens Magazine Illustrations
Bill Ward - Conte Illustrations, Humorama Craftints , 60's Mens Mag Illustrations
Eneg (Gene Bilbrew) - Mens Mag & Adult Illustrations
Ed "Big Daddy" Roth - Revell Model Paintings, 60's T-Shirt & Decal Art
John Buscema - Marvel Romance/Love Covers, & Silver Surfer (1st Series) Art
Neal Adams - Covers, X-Men pages, Deadman Art & MLJ Black Hood Pages
Joe Kubert - Sgt. Rock & Enemy Ace - Select Covers & Splashes, Viking Prince Art, Showcase "Nightmaster" Covers
Mort Meskin - Golden Age Wildcat & Johnny Quick Art
Gulacy or Zeck - Master Of Kung-Fu Covers and Splashes
Simon Bisley - Verotika#1 Cover Painting, Jaguar God #3 Cover Painting & Select Paintings
Alex Ross
- Midnight Sons #9 Cover Painting, Black Adam Cover Paintings & Earth X DareDevil Art
Mike Ploog - Werewolf By Night, Ghost Rider, Kull - Covers and pages
John Byrne - Doom Patrol Index Covers & DC Who's Who Doom Patrol Entries (1st Series)
George Perez
- Covers to JLA#207, Teen Titans#31,29,13,15 &15 pg.27, Tales of Teen Titans #3 pgs.5/6, History DC Universe pages
Mike Sekowsky - Wonder Woman Covers, JLA#29,30 -Crime Syndicate pgs.
Bruno Premiani - Doom Patrol Covers, Splashes & select pages
Mystery In Space - ULTRA, the Multi Alien Covers and Splashes
House of Mystery - John J'onzz, Manhunter From Mars 60's Covers and Splashes
Stanley & His Monster
- 60's Covers and Splashes
Brother Power The Geek
- 60's Covers & Splashes
Gilbert Shelton - Wonder Warthog Covers & Splashes
EERIE Publications
- Weird, Witches Tales, Tales of Voodoo, Terror Tales & Tales From The Tomb Cover Paintings
SKYWALD Publications
- Nightmare, Scream & Psycho Cover Paintings
Earl Norem - Marvel Magazine Horror Cover Paintings, Men's Adventure Mag Paintings
Italian Comic Cover Paintings - Lucifera, Belzeba, Zora la Vampira, Strega, Sukia, Biancaneve, Ulula, Cimiteria, Jacula, L'Aldila, Mefisto, I Diavoli, Lo Scheletro & I Notturni


©2025 Black Line Fever